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AI Assistant

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The AI Assistant is an integrated system within the Classic and Block editor to simplify your tasks.

Assistant Modal:

  1. Enter custom prompt
  2. Choose predefined prompt

Access with the Block Editor

Click paragraph or heading block then click MagicAI Assistant button. The assistant will automatically detect all content within the clicked block. There’s no need for specific selections. Now you can run the prompt you want.

Access with the Classic Editor

  1. Select the text to perform the operation on.
  2. Click the MagicAI Assistant button. Now you can turn the prompt you want for your selected text.

Manage Prompts

You can customize the assistant prompts.

  1. Navigate to MagicAI Settings
  2. Click Assistant Tab
  3. Add new prompts
  4. Define Icon for the prompt You can use Dashicons, custom SVG and your custom font icon library
  5. Enter the prompt
  6. Move prompt order
  7. Delete prompt
  8. Save changes


Let’s add a prompt for writing an email.

  1. Fill icon and prompt fields and click save.

  2. You can use this prompt in the assistant.

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